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Closed Sessions

The Township of Georgian Bluffs is committed to transparency and accountability in governance. However, certain matters require discussion in closed meetings to protect sensitive information. These sessions are conducted in compliance with the Municipal Act, 2001, which governs when and how closed meetings can occur.

What Is a Closed Meeting?

A municipal or local board meeting, or part of a meeting, may be closed to the public if the subject of the meeting falls within one of the 14 exceptions set out in s. 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001. In brief, these include matters that relate to: 

  • The security of the property of the municipality
  • Personal matters about an identifiable individual
  • Acquisition or disposition of land
  • Labour relations
  • Litigation
  • Advice subject to solicitor-client privilege
  • Information supplied in confidence to the municipality by another level of government
  • A trade secret or certain specific information supplied in confidence to the municipality, or that 
    belongs to the municipality and has monetary value
  • A plan or instruction to be applied to negotiations
  • Education or training

Closed meetings are only held when necessary, and the Township strictly follows the procedures outlined in the Act and the Township's Procedure By-Law. Each closed session meeting will have:

  • Clear Agendas: The general nature of topics to be discussed are clearly stated on the public agenda and meet the legal criteria for closed meetings.
  • Record Keeping: Minutes of the discussion are documented securely but remain confidential.
  • Public Resolutions: Any decision made in a closed meeting is brought back to the public session for formal resolution, where possible.

How to Report Concerns About Closed Meetings

If you believe a closed meeting did not comply with the requirements, you can report your concerns.

Step 1: Contact the Clerk’s Department

Informally discuss your concerns with the Clerk at, or by calling 519-376-2729 ext. 602.

Step 2: Submit a Formal Complaint

If the issue remains unresolved, you may submit a formal complaint to the Ombudsman of Ontario.


Phone: 1-800-263-1830

Mail: Ombudsman of Ontario
483 Bay Street, 10th Floor, South Tower
Toronto, ON M5G 2C9

For more details, visit the Ombudsman Ontario Website.

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