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Weigh in on Waste Collection in Georgian Bluffs

Waste Collection Services Engage GB


The Township of Georgian Bluffs is renewing our waste services contract, and we want to hear from you! We currently contract a third-party provider for weekly curbside garbage collection and bi-weekly blue box recycling. As this is one of our most important municipal services, and with the contract set to expire in 2025, we need your input to shape its future.

With evolving regulations, costs, and environmental goals, we expect that future waste collection services will look different from what we've seen in the past. For example, as of January of 2026, the Province of Ontario will be responsible for the Blue Box recycling program. Recycling will continue to be collected from your curbside, but the Province will determine the items collected, frequency, and the type of container required.

To ensure the next waste services contract aligns with our community's values and expectations, your feedback is essential. It will guide us in making informed decisions about service improvements, cost management, environmental impact, and overall efficiency.

To have your voice heard, visit our Engage GB website at to take our quick survey. Hardcopies of the survey are also available at the Township Office and community centres for those who prefer to provide their feedback in person. It will also be a featured topic at the upcoming Connect and Collaborate Engagement day at the Grey Roots Museum on June 18 from 3-7 p.m.

Your input will guide us in making informed decisions about service improvements, cost management, environmental impact, and overall efficiency.

For more information on the Township’s current waste collection services, visit

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