Step Up for Inclusion: Georgian Bluffs Launches Consultation for Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

The Township of Georgian Bluffs is taking proactive steps to ensure that its municipal policies, services, programs, and facilities remain accessible to residents and visitors of all abilities. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, the Township is committed to fostering inclusivity and accessibility within the community.
Building on the foundation laid out in the previously approved Multi-Year Accessibility Plan of 2019, the Township is embarking on a comprehensive update to its accessibility strategy. The aim is to refine and enhance existing measures, while identifying new opportunities to create an even more inclusive environment for all.
The updated Multi-Year Accessibility Plan serves as a roadmap to ensure compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements. It outlines the concrete steps and initiatives the Township will undertake to eliminate barriers to accessibility, and improve the overall quality of life for all residents.
"We're committed to fostering a community where everyone's voice is heard, and where accessibility is more than a concept – it's a reality. Join us in shaping a Township that opens its doors to inclusivity and opportunity for all individuals,” says Carly Craig, Acting Clerk.
Georgian Bluffs is inviting all community members to participate in shaping the future of accessibility within the Township through The Multi-Year Accessibility hub on EngageGB at Paper copies of the draft plan are available for viewing at the Township Office along with comment cards for community feedback.
An array of online avenues are available for your contributions, including a forum for discussions on the draft plan, an idea board where you can share ideas for accessible initiatives, and an Interactive Map to Pinpoint specific areas or locations that need improved accessibility. Your insights will help build a community that is welcoming and supportive for all.
Contact Us
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5
Send Email to Georgian Bluffs
Phone: 519-376-2729
Fax: 519-372-1620