Rail Trail Maintenance Notice

The Township is working with South Bruce Peninsula ATV Club to complete grading on a section of the Georgian Bluffs Rail Trail near Benallen on Thursday, May 25. A portion of the trail will be closed while work is underway.
This section of trail between Grey Road 17 and Grey Road 17A experienced a washout during winter, and this work will bring the trail surface back to good condition. Work is expected to take place between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
“We are really pleased that we have a solid partnership with South Bruce ATV Club in managing this trail” said Acting CAO/Director of Community Services Niall Lobley. “They were able to mobilize quickly to help repair this section as part of our spring work program. On behalf of all trail users, thank you SBATV Club!”
Trail users are asked to follow the detour shown in blue on the map, using the shoulders of Grey Road 17 and 17A. Please use extra caution when walking along road shoulders, keeping to the sides of the road and walking against the flow of traffic.
We apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate your patience as we complete this work.
For more information on Georgian Bluffs’ trail network, visit www.georgianbluffs.ca/trails.
Contact Us
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5
Send Email to Georgian Bluffs
Phone: 519-376-2729
Fax: 519-372-1620