Public Notice of Pesticide Use

The Township of Georgian Bluffs intends to control noxious weeds (namely Wild Chervil, Poison Ivy and Giant Hogweed) in accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. W.5, s. 3. along all rural roadsides under our jurisdiction.
The following pesticides registered under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada) will be used:
Navius FLEX (Registration No. 30922), which contains the active ingredients Metsulfuron – methyl and Aminocyclopyrachlor, in combination with Hasten NT Ultra Spray Adjuvant (Registration No. 31760), which contains the active ingredients Methyl and ethyl oleate (esterified vegetable oil).
This pesticide use falls under the other legislative requirements exception to the Cosmetic Pesticides Ban, for the control noxious weeds under the Weed Control Act.
Commencing, July 5, 2023, weather permitting and ending July 16, 2023.
For information call collect:
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Sulaiman Khan
519-376-2729 X 327
Green Stream Lawn and Vegetation Management Inc.
Steve Ford
Contact Us
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5
Send Email to Georgian Bluffs
Phone: 519-376-2729
Fax: 519-372-1620