Pride Month Kicks Off with Raising of Rainbow Flag

The Township of Georgian Bluffs has raised the progressive pride flag on the morning of June 1st, marking the start of Pride Month in communities in Georgian Bluffs and beyond. The flag serves as a symbol of inclusivity and diversity, and the Township raising it reflects the commitment to equity in the work of the municipality with its many communities.
"The Township of Georgian Bluffs strives to be a place where we celebrate equity, diversity and inclusion to ensure that everyone is safe, valued, and celebrated for who they are,” said Mayor Sue Carleton. “The flag is a message of solidarity to our residents and visitors, promoting equality, understanding, and being a vibrant community where all voices are heard.”
"The Pride Flag is a powerful symbol of multiple LGBTQQIP2SAA communities that call Georgian Bluffs and Canada home, and the ongoing fight for rights that these communities face,” said Acting CAO and Director of Community Services & Operations, Niall Lobley. “Flying the flag reflects our commitment to standing for and with communities, and serving all communities with equity and compassion in our work.”
The Township is flying three progressive pride flags at prominent locations, including the Township of Georgian Bluffs Office, Shallow Lake Arena, and the Kemble Women's Institute Lookout. Each of these sites holds a special significance within our community, reinforcing our commitment to inclusivity throughout the entire Township.
We wish everyone in Georgian Bluffs a happy Pride month!
Contact Us
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5
Send Email to Georgian Bluffs
Phone: 519-376-2729
Fax: 519-372-1620