Partnership Opportunities Open for Chatsworth and Georgian Bluffs Biodigester

The Townships of Chatsworth and Georgian Bluffs are welcoming ownership/partnership proposals for the Derby BioGrid (Biodigester) following a joint Council meeting in December of 2022.
The BioGrid has been jointly owned by the Townships since 2010. The facility uses methane gas from septage waste to generate electricity, which is then sold back to the hydro grid. The Township Councils have decided to accept proposals for alternative ownership opportunities that can make better use of the facility and generate further profit.
The BioGrid could support local efforts in waste diversion for a broader range of municipalities, private industry, and other public sector organizations under a new operating model. The Townships hope to retain ownership/access to the lagoons for continued Septage treatment, while inviting a partner to join in taking over operations of the BioGrid.
The RFP will be available until March 24, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. For more information or to view the RFP, visit or
For more information, please contact:
Cynthia Fletcher, Chief Administrative Officer at 519-376-2729 ext. 604, or
Patti Sinnamon, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk at 519-794-3232 ext. 124, or
Contact Us
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5
Send Email to Georgian Bluffs
Phone: 519-376-2729
Fax: 519-372-1620