Join the STA Working Group and Help Shape the Future of STAs in Georgian Bluffs

The Township of Georgian Bluffs is forming a Short-Term Accommodations (STA) Working Group and is seeking community members to actively participate in this important initiative. This group will provide valuable insight that will shape Council decisions.
The working group offers a unique opportunity for deeper conversation, discussion, and increased awareness of issues within our community related to Short Term Accommodations. By bringing together individuals with diverse experiences and perspectives, the working group will foster a shared understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with these properties. Participants will have the chance to openly share their own experiences, listen to and appreciate different viewpoints, and contribute to the decision-making process.
Meetings are expected to take place at least three times between now and the end of 2023. We are seeking up to 9 members for the working group, including:
• 3 members of the public
• 3 providers of short-term accommodations
• 3 business operators/representatives
If you are passionate about our community's future and wish to participate in the working group, we encourage you to submit your interest to Township staff. To be considered, complete the form at by July 13, 2023. On July 14th, three names will be drawn from each applicant pool to form the working group.
Don't miss this opportunity to actively contribute to the future of STAs in Georgian Bluffs. We look forward to your involvement and the valuable insights you will bring.
To learn more, visit our website at:
Contact Us
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5
Send Email to Georgian Bluffs
Phone: 519-376-2729
Fax: 519-372-1620