Deadline Extended: Nominate Exceptional Volunteers for Georgian Bluffs’ Annual Volunteer Awards

The deadline for submitting nominations for Georgian Bluffs’ prestigious Annual Volunteer Awards has been extended to November 16th, 2023. This extension provides an opportunity for the community to recognize the outstanding individuals who tirelessly contribute to the betterment of Georgian Bluffs.
The Annual Volunteer Awards program has become a testament to Georgian Bluffs' deep appreciation for the unwavering dedication of our residents. These awards are designed to honor individuals across various categories, acknowledging their exceptional contributions and selfless service to the community. The categories for nominations include:
• The Georgian Bluffs Community Service Award
• The Georgian Bluffs Lifetime Volunteer Award
• The Youth Volunteer of the Year Award
Nomination forms are readily available online at, and can be conveniently downloaded in a printable format or requested at the Township Administrative Building. Community members are encouraged to put forth the names of those who have demonstrated exceptional commitment and a genuine spirit of service.
The awards ceremony will take place at a date and venue to be announced soon, where the outstanding volunteers will be celebrated for their remarkable contributions. To find out more about the Volunteer Recognition program or to submit a nomination, please visit
Contact Us
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5
Send Email to Georgian Bluffs
Phone: 519-376-2729
Fax: 519-372-1620