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Property Taxes

Property taxes are essential to funding the services and infrastructure that make Georgian Bluffs a great place to live. These taxes help cover the costs of local roads, emergency services, recreation facilities, and much more. Property tax rates are based on the type and assessed value of your property and are determined annually after the Township’s budget is approved.

Frequently Requested Forms:

Tax Due Dates

Property taxes are billed four times a year:

  • February 24 and April 24: These are interim payments, based on the previous year’s tax rates, to fund services early in the year.
  • August 24 and October 24: These are final payments, calculated after the Township’s budget is approved, and will reflect any changes in the tax rate.

Note: If a due date falls on a weekend or holiday, payments made by 9:00 a.m. the next business day will be considered on time. Remember that failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt a resident from paying taxes or any penalties for late payment.

How to Pay Your Property Taxes

We offer several convenient payment methods:

Make payments through your bank’s online or telephone banking system. Schedule your payment 2–3 business days ahead to ensure it’s processed on time.

When adding Georgian Bluffs as a payee, please use your Roll Number (found on your tax bill starting with 4203) as your account number. Do not include any dashes or spaces.

Visit the Municipal Office at 177964 Grey Road 18, Owen Sound during office hours, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

There is also an after-hours drop box for cheque payments located at the Township Office.

Send a cheque or post-dated cheques along with your tax stubs to:

Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18 R.R. 3,
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5

Sign up for automatic monthly withdrawals from your bank account. This option ensures your payments are on time and offers flexibility with payments on either the 15th or 30th of each month, or on installment due dates.

Sign Up for Pre-Authorized Debits

Note: A 1.25% penalty applies to late or missed payments. After two missed payments, your enrollment in the pre-authorized plan may be cancelled.

Property Tax Rates

The Township’s tax rates vary by property type and are made up of the municipal, county, and school board portions.

The rates are finalized after the Township’s budget approval each year.
To view the full list of current and past rates, see our 2024 Tax Rate By-Law.

  Municipal County School Total Rates
Residential (RT)  0.00679464 0.00404219 0.00153 0.01236683
Farm (FT)  0.00148123 0.0008812 0.0003825 0.00274493
Managed Forest (TT)  0.00169866 0.00101055 0.0003825 0.00309171
New Multi-Residential (NT)  0.00679464 0.00404219 0.00153 0.01236683
Multi-Residential (MT)  0.00829354 0.0049339 0.00153 0.01475744
Commercial (Occupied, Vacant Units/Land,
Vacant Land, Shopping) (CT, CU, ex, ST) 
0.00881197 0.00524232 0.0088 0.02285429
Commercial (Small Scale On-Farm Business) (C7) 0.00881197 0.00524232 0.0022 0.01625429
 Industrial (Occupied, Vacant Units/Land,
Vacant Land) (IT, IU, IX, LT, LU) 
0.01244099 0.00740125 0.0088 0.02864224
Pipeline (PT)  0.00616171 0.00366565 0.0088 0.01862736
Residential Payment in Lieu (RF, RH) 0.00679464 0.00404219 0.00153 0.01236683
 Residential Payment in Lieu -No Education (RG)  0.00679464 0.00404219 n/a 0.01083683
Commercial Payment in Lieu
(Occupied, Vacant Units/Land) (CF, CH, CK, CV) 
0.00881197 0.00524232 0.0125 0.02655429
Commercial Payment in Lieu -
No Education (Occupied) (CG)
0.00881197 0.00524232 n/a 0.01405429
Industrial (Occupied, Vacant Units/Land) (IH, IK) 0.01244099 0.00740125 0.0125 0.03234224

View the 2023 Tax Rates By-law

To review tax rates prior to 2023, contact the Treasury Department at 519-376-2729 or and an accessible copy will be provided to you

Tax Certificates and Forms

The following certificates and forms are available for property owners:

  • Tax Certificate Request Form – $75 per property, or $100 for expedited requests.
  • Zoning and Building Compliance Certificates – $50 each or $100 for both per property.


Tax Relief Programs

If you are a low-income senior or a person with a disability, you may qualify for property tax relief to reduce your financial burden. Learn more about eligibility and how to apply with the

Frequently Asked Questions

No, your preauthorized debit plan does not carry over to your new property for taxes or water services. You will need to fill out a new application form.

Tax Preauthorized Debit Form

  • Interim Tax Bills: Mailed or emailed at the end of January, with due dates on February 24 and April 24. These bills represent 50% of the previous year’s total taxes.
  • Final Tax Bills: Mailed or emailed at the end of July, with due dates on August 24 and October 24. Final bills are based on the current year’s property assessment and applicable tax rates.

Supplemental tax bills are issued when there has been a change to your property, such as a new home, an addition, or a new garage or shed. You should have received a notification from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) about changes to your assessment. For more information, contact MPAC:

To continue receiving the Farm Property Class Tax Rate, you will need to contact Agricorp to confirm your eligibility and reapply if necessary:

It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that the Township has your current mailing or email address and to know when tax bills are due. Tax due dates are:

  • Interim Tax Bills: February 24 and April 24
  • Final Tax Bills: August 24 and October 24

To avoid missing a bill in the mail, sign up for eBilling. Tax payment reminders are also posted to the Township's News Feed.

Your property taxes fund essential services and infrastructure, including:

  • Grey County Services and Education
  • Police and Fire Services
  • Road Maintenance
  • Recreational Facilities and Parks
  • And much more

Use the Tax Breakdown calculator below to see how much you are paying for Township services.

Tax Breakdown Tool

Tax Breakdown Calculator

Enter the amount of property taxes you pay annually to see how your tax dollars are divided among services:

Tax Breakdown


Municipal Property Assessment Corporation

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) determines the assessed value of all properties in Georgian Bluffs. This assessment affects your tax bill, as it’s used to calculate the amount owed. For questions about your property assessment or to request an update, contact MPAC.

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