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Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is responsible for making decisions on Minor Variance and Consent (Severance) applications in Georgian Bluffs. These applications involve changes to property lines, easements, or zoning by-law requirements. The Committee ensures that decisions align with the Township’s Zoning By-law, Official Plan, and other applicable regulations while considering community needs and input.

The Committee of Adjustment makes decisions on all minor variance and consent applications (severances, easements, and rights-of-way). 

The Committee of Adjustment is comprised of not fewer than three members, established under the authority of The Planning Act and its regulations and is subject to The Statutory Powers Procedure Act, The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the common law concept of natural justice.


The Committee comprises two elected Council members and three citizen members. 

  • Council Representatives:

    • Ryan Thompson (Chair)
    • Cathy Moore Coburn
  • Community Representatives:

    • Michelle Le Dressay (Vice-Chair)
    • Ron Glenn
    • Elgin McMillan


A Minor Variance is a small variation from the zoning by-law for a specific property. Property owners would seek relief from the terms of a Zoning By-law when an item in the Zoning By-law can't be met, therefore needing a variance. 

Examples of minor variances include:

  • Reducing a required setback.
  • Increasing allowable building height.
  • Adjusting lot coverage limits.

Before applying for a Minor Variance, property owners must consult with Planning staff to ensure their proposal meets the eligibility criteria.

A Consent is required if you want to:

  • Divide your land into separate lots.
  • Adjust property boundaries.
  • Create easements or rights-of-way.

Consultation with Planning staff is required before submitting a Consent application to understand the requirements and gather the necessary documentation.

By-law 2022-042, being a By-law to establish a Committee of Adjustment and Committee procedures was adopted by Council on July 13, 2022.

Committee of Adjustment meetings are open to the public and provide opportunities for input on applications. You can participate in a meeting by:

  • Attending in-person at Council Chambers, 177964 Grey Road 18, Owen Sound, ON.
  • Joining virtually via videoconference (registration required).

To register to speak at a hearing, complete the Public Participation Registration Form or contact the Clerk’s Department at

Meeting agendas, supporting materials, and decisions are available on the Agendas and Minutes Page. Videos of past meetings can be viewed on the Township YouTube Channel.

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