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Official Plan

The Official Plan is a key document that guides how land is used and developed in Georgian Bluffs. It reflects the community’s vision for growth, ensuring that development aligns with local needs and provincial policies while protecting the environment, heritage, and resources. Both Georgian Bluffs and Grey County have Official Plan that must be considered when developing on your property.

The Official Plan outlines long-term goals and policies for land use in Georgian Bluffs. It:

  • Guides decisions on where homes, businesses, and parks should be located.
  • Establishes policies for infrastructure, including roads, water, and sewage systems.
  • Protects farmland, natural areas, and cultural heritage.
  • Ensures sustainable growth while meeting provincial standards.

The Official Plan is reviewed and updated regularly to reflect community priorities and changes in legislation.

Why Is the Official Plan Important?

The Official Plan provides a framework for decision-making, ensuring that development happens in an organized, efficient, and environmentally responsible way. It helps:

  • Balance growth with the preservation of natural resources.
  • Manage changes in land use and address challenges like climate change.
  • Maintain a high quality of life for residents

Frequently Asked Questions

The Official Plan is used by Township staff, Council, developers, property owners, and residents. It guides decisions about zoning, development applications, and long-term planning projects.

The Official Plan determines what you can do with your property. It identifies permitted uses, building density, and other restrictions. If you’re planning to develop or alter your property, you’ll need to ensure your plans align with the Official Plan.

If your project doesn’t align with the policies in the Official Plan, you may need to apply for an Official Plan Amendment. This process involves a formal review, public consultation, and approval by Township Council.

The Official Plan is reviewed every five years to ensure it reflects current community needs and provincial regulations. Updates may occur more frequently if significant changes are required.

Public input is an essential part of the Official Plan process. Watch for notices of public meetings and consultations on the Township’s website and social media channels.

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